
Important before considering this a publicly usable project

(you have been warned, early-adopters)

  • cleanup page files and loads now that routes are not copied into projects

  • automatically analyze component for props

  • test in other projects using kitbook: file:../../../kitbook/packages/kitbook/package

  • variant grid

  • Add full-screen focus view for sandbox

    • make instrument panel show in focus view on mobile
  • show Story and Variant code in instrument panel using code editor: data.loadedModules.svxRaw

  • be able to pass filter option to layout load so that certain pages which will break without proper initialization won’t be shown in Kitbook - after this we can start automatically displaying components without stories

  • import { svelte2tsx } from 'svelte2tsx'; import FolderRaw from './Folder.svelte?raw';

  • improve knob sub-components, maybe use svelte-knobby to help

  • extract stories so we can do real HMR and have more control over props for each component in a Story, place in .kitbook/stories

  • revisit split-pane story height

  • solve template usage of unbuilt (and thus styles not working) version of svelte-pieces when run locally in this repo

  • shouldn’t crash upon finding oddly placed file like /src/+layout.svelte or src/

  • catch when a variants file exists by itself and inform how to use variants

  • understand why main.css imported in Layout.svelte gets passed to the iframe as well (don’t want <pre> elements in the iframe to have negative x margins)

  • publish Kitbook extension

  • npm publish --tag beta

  • share mdsvex-shiki-twoslash w/ orta

  • send test question to discord query person


  • don’t break if no export from init.ts
  • update meta-tags based on current page
  • add shortcuts,—page
  • don’t show grayed out empty stories for components with details on build
  • figure out easier way to reference types inside of Kitbook
  • Allow for titling documentation with 1a as well as 1 and not have the a show up in the sidebar
  • keep sidebar active page in view
  • menu item should be expanded when linked to (currently not visible if parent folder was manually closed and then it was jumped to via a wikilink)
  • Next and Previous pages (see Docusaurus/Vitebook)
  • move css package to this repo and update with latest settings
  • be able to automatically change any props for a component inside a Story by using the plugin to rewrite things a bit. Also, also setting start value directly on the component
  • expand search to include raw string content
  • add quick QRCode for easy opening of an iframed example on phone
  • add ability to pass a route and use the same Frame component as a Story (useful in SvelteFireTS to show)
  • add button to iframe to open separately in new window
  • add a simple Story that doesn’t use an iframe but still allows for easy introspection code implementation
  • Vite server middleware to update/add stories from browser
  • Vite server middleware to update/add variants from browser
  • add changesets
  • Story layout improvements (learn from svench and and implement own ideas)
  • dynamic slots: &&
  • Scrollspy TOC in sidebar (maybe client-side only for setup simplicity) - look at svelte-put toc
  • use plugin to automatically give IDs to stories
  • screenshots: VitestPreview, Histoire plugin and Viteshot for tips
  • Dark mode (both for Kitbook and for individual sandboxes - or be able to show light and dark side by side) learn from
  • backlinks
  • esbuild minify and don’t place things into one folder (unbuild)
  • support variants.js
  • accept whichever w/h dimension is given last either via resize or by prompt

Post 1.0

  • admonitions
  • fix shiki-twoslash highlight not scrolling on small screens by learning from
  • quickly display meta tags of iframe when rendering +page.svelte components
  • distinguish between Index and README in search if both exist
  • snap side panels to 0 if within x pixels.
  • add option to easily hide a directory (and refactor out hardcoded hide of ‘routes for copying’)
  • add optional stackblitz icon to quickly open a kitbook in stackblitz (will only work for kitbooks that don’t depend on packages in other parts of a monorepo)
  • connections graph
  • could refactor to use activePage instead of activeUrl to make code simpler
  • edit on Gitpod link?
  • consider scaling down iframe when it’s larger than the viewport
  • global scrollbar css will affect stories not using sandbox (is this even an issue?)
  • learn more about - at moment it keeps svelte-pieces from directly accessing kitbook:
"publishConfig": {
"directory": "src/lib", // try this instead of package to avoid additional import strings in neighbor packages
"linkDirectory": true

Additionally, the following could also be helpful sources of inspiration in the future:

Edit page on GitHub
Instrument Panel