Add UnoCSS

UnoCSS via svelte-scoped-uno lets us use TailwindCSS style utility classes but takes things a step further by allowing us to have all styles scoped to their particular component. This guarantees we’ll never have a large bloated CSS file as our web app grows. Sure, some common styles like .m-1 will be duplicated but that’s better than the mental fatigue of trying to decide if it’s worth using some obscure class like .md:h-[100vh-20px] in some obscure component knowing that now every page of the site will have to load down that CSS.

Using svelte-scoped-uno in a component library

svelte-scoped-uno is by default a Vite plugin, but since svelte-package doesn’t look use the Vite config you can use svelte-preprocess-unocss. After installing, add it as a svelte preprocessor in your svelte.config.js file, then utility classes will be compiled at packaging time. Since Kitbook uses svelte-package we add update our svelte.config.js like this:

const config = {
preprocess: [
PreprocessUnocss({ classPrefix: 'kb-' }),

We then add a uno.config.ts file:

import { defineConfig, presetUno, presetIcons } from 'svelte-preprocess-unocss'
export default defineConfig({
presets: [
prefix: 'i-',
extraProperties: {
'display': 'inline-block',
'vertical-align': 'middle',


That presetIcons option seen above enables Pure CSS Icons from Iconify. Icons can now be added with <span class="<prefix>-ic-round-chevron-right" />, replacing <prefix with the chosen prefix, i in the code above. Use the Icônes web app or the equivalent VSCode Icônes extension to quickly search for icons and copy using the appropriate prefix.

Add Typography via CSS import

Currently, using svelte-preprocess-unocss doesn’t provide support for plugins like prose classes because these are global by nature. In the meantime Kitbook uses a modified set of .prose classes from Tailwind in the tw-prose.css file.

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