Add the Kitbook Extension

There is a not-yet-published Kitbook VSCode extension (jacob-8.kitbook-vscode) which can be manually installed using the packages\vscode\kitbook-vscode-0.0.1.vsix file in this repo.

More features will be added to this extension but at present it serves to easily allow you to toggle on/off the treatment of markdown files as svelte files to enable you to go back and forth between markdown and svelte language services in the same .md file.

After installing the extension, add the following keybinding (adjust as you desire) to your keyboard shortcuts by opening the Command Palette (Ctrl+p on Windows) and select Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts (JSON). Add the following:

"key": "alt+x",
"command": "kitbook.toggleMdFileAssociation"

Then any time you press that keybinding, the association will be flipped:

"files.associations": {
"*.md": "svelte", // toggles this line on/off
"*.foo": "bar" // ignores other associations if they exist

Every Svelte developer knows how great the Svelte Language Tools are, but there’s also some pretty convenient markdown languages features out there like easy link pasting or making a selection bold upon pressing ctrl+b if you have the Markdown All in One extension installed). Toggling between language associations lets us take advantage of both languages.

Future plans

It would be very easy to update the extension to be able to easily add Story or Variant files next to existing Svelte components without having to write out the little bit of boilerplate these files require. This would be similar to how the Svelte extension lets you easily add route files from the “SvelteKit Files” context menu option.

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